Restic doesn't restores symbolic links

I’m using Windows 10 and restic 0.12.1.

I’ve made a restore a couple days ago that just finished, after restoring some file metadata with other tools I just found out restic didn’t restored any symbolic link and according to the documentation it should. Am I missing some commands here? I know restic has saved the symbolic links because I can see them with ls but I can’t get it to restore them.

The command I’m using is symply restore with nothing else (well, with rclone):
restic -r "rclone:<REMOTE>:restic" restore --target=N:\ <snapshotid>


If I interpret it correctly, restoring symlinks is not implemented for windows, see

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This PR claims to add the Windows symlink restore functionality.

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Thanks guys, can you provide me with a Windows build with said PR merged?

so I tried building restic with that patch but I’m getting erros with ISO files with access denied. All I did was go run build.go

Hey @upsidedown

You might want to take a look at Relica. It was developed by Matt Holt, author of Caddy Web server, CertMagic and more. It’s built on restic but preserves advanced files such as symbolic links and dotfiles.

There’s a good explainer already posted, although the software has been updated a few times since: