Using restic + rclone + truenas


I’m new restic user. Here is my use case:

Source machine: macbook pro

Current backups:

  • time machine to truenas smb share
  • launchd scheduled rsync to truenas smb share
  • Truenas cloud sync of rsync backup to b2 bucket

I’d like to move away from rsync to restic as it seems relatively slow and will often seems to interfere with the Truenas cloud sync. I’ve used rclone in the past to push data to remotes, so Iam familiar with it. I just initialized a repo via

restic --repo rclone:b2:mydirectory/mybucket init

My question is:

Can I send the restic backup to the NAS while simultaenously sending it to the b2 bucket using rclone? Which one uses encryption? restic or rclone? Or would I be better off having restic send backup to TrueNAS and letting Truenas send the backup to the b2 bucket? Truenas cloud sync uses rclone as well.

I honestly don’t see the point of this. Let the backup finish, then sync it. Why would you sync it at the same time it backs up and adds data to the repository? You will have to sync it again after the backup anyway, since there will have been more files added in most cases.

Restic uses encryption, not sure what you are asking about rclone really. It’s restic’s encryption that you rely on to keep your backups safe and secure.

You can do this if you want. One pro is that you only have to run one backup on the source machine that you back up.

You could also just set up two different backup jobs, so that you run one backup to the TrueNAS and another backup to B2. It’s just two separate invocations of the restic command.

Hi @rawtaz

I asked this:

Restic uses encryption, not sure what you are asking about rclone really. It’s restic’s encryption that you rely on to keep your backups safe and secure.

because Rclone aslo can provide encryption - wanted to see if others had experience of one vs the other.



I don’t think you can compare the two - the encryption in restic is needed to make sure your backed up data is safe and cannot be inspected by a party that does not have the key to your repository. Encryption in rclone is a different matter, for a different use case, and is not something that will be of any use when restic is already encrypting the backups. It’s simply a non-issue and not something you have to consider - restic does the encryption you need.