Unsupported repository version

Whenever I run a restic command I get the error message:

Fatal: Fatal: config cannot be loaded: unsupported repository version

Trying to look at the config file didn’t work either:

$ restic cat --repo ... --verbose config
Fatal: Fatal: config cannot be loaded: unsupported repository version

Does anyone have any ideas to fix this issue? Let me know if you want more info :slight_smile:


It looks like your trying to open a v2 repository (compression enabled) with a version of restic that doesn’t support compression. If you update to the latest version you should be ok.


:person_facepalming: Thanks for helping me realise I had two versions of restic installed!

I made sure I had restic 0.14 installed, but for some reason I had another one installed that I was actually using, thanks again!

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Hi I have similar problem:
Im running restic 0.15.1 compiled with go1.19.5 on linux/amd64 Im creating repository with this command: restic -r sftp:user@IP:path init, the repository is V2
after that Im using this instruction https://restic.readthedocs.io/en/latest/080_examples.html#full-backup-without-root and running this command sudo -u restic /home/restic/bin/restic --exclude={/dev,/media,/mnt,/proc,/run,/sys,/tmp,/var/tmp} -r sftp:user@IP:path backup / after entering the passwords Im getting this error:
Fatal: config cannot be loaded: unsupported repository version. Try again

How have you verified this?

Generally speaking it sounds like you are using an old restic version. If you take the restic command you run when you get the error message, and replace all of the stuff after “restic” with just " version", so it becomes “restic version”, what do you then get?

Perhaps you are running restic in a way that makes use of another restic binary than the one you are using when running it manually, or something. This has happened before, people having an old and a new restic installed, and unknowingly using the old one.