I’ve been using restic for several months, saving a daily snapshot of four PCs (all of them running Windows 10 Pro) into two different repos (which are running a rest server also under Windows 10 Pro), all of them placed on the same 1Gbps LAN.
I’m very happy with my setup since restic is really fast taking new snapshots: the fastest PC (which has 4th generation a Core i7 and 16 GB of RAM) could add 12GB to the fastest repo (which is on a PC with a 6th generation Core i5 and 16 GB of RAM) in 14 minutes (which equals around 14.6 MBps), and the slowest PC took 6 minutes to add 2GB (which is equivalent to 5.7 MBps).
I know these results are a bit relative since they depend of a lot of factors like the amount of changed information, the raw power of the involved PCs, the bandwidth of the connections between them, etc. Anyway, this is a really good solution for my needs, so in first place I want to say thank you to the restic community for developing and supporting such a wonderful tool.
However, when I restore from the fastest repo to my fastest PC I barely get 2.4 MBps (obviously on a slower PC is even worse). I’ve also tried mounting the hard drive that holds the repo locally on the fastest PC, even from a live Linux distro, but I get the same results: it starts restoring at 6.2 MBps on the first minute or two, but then it gets slower and slower until reaching those 2.4 MBps.
By the way, I’ve set Windows Defender to exclude restic (as explained here), and I prune the repos every one or two weeks to keep only the last 6 daily, 4 weekly, 6 monthly, a 1 yearly snapshots.
On the other hand, it really surprises me that both the PC of the repo and the one that I restore the snapshot to, barely use around a 2% of their CPU and 230 MB of memory for the restic process, so apparently there’s more than enough resources available to improve those results.
I would like to keep using restic to backup my PCs, but I think that 2.4 MBps are OK if you just need to restore a few gigabytes (it would take 1 hour to restore 8.4 GB), and not that great if you have to restore some hundreds of them.
My questions are:
a) Is this restoring speed normal for a domestic setup?
b) With such a low CPU a memory usage, shouldn’t it be faster?
c) Has anybody any tips to improve this slow restoring speed?
Thank you very much in advance.