Simple restic + rclone on OneDrive? (Fatal: unable to open config file: <config/> does not exist)

I have a working restic repo that I migrated to OneDrive via rclone sync.
I try to push new backups to it via the rclone link to restic but I get the error bellow.

Any ideas?

dae@darkmind /m/y> rclone lsd OneDrive:files/ResData/P1Back
-1 2021-05-27 16:26:20 256 data
-1 2021-05-27 16:24:45 143 index
-1 2021-05-27 16:24:34 1 keys
-1 2021-05-27 16:24:35 18 snapshots
dae@darkmind /m/y> restic -r rclone:OneDrive:files/ResData/P1Back snapshots
Fatal: unable to open config file: does not exist
Is there a repository at the following location?
dae@darkmind ~> ls -l ~/.config/rclone/
total 4
-rw------- 1 dae dae 3727 Jul 30 09:27 rclone.conf

The repository is supposed to contain a file called config (in P1Back). If you still have a copy of the file just upload it manually to the OneDrive folder.


it does. I double checked and run rclone sync again from the original restic repo.

dae@darkmind ~> rclone ls OneDrive:files/ResData/P1Back                                                                                                      
      155 config
      454 keys/7b9xxxxxxxf0
      346 snapshots/196d7da8xxxxxx51bd
      260 snapshots/1e316eexxxxxa67f13ff54
      338 snapshots/468xxxxxcdd13fe

I also tried to run this:

restic -o rclone.program=“/bin/rclone” -o rclone.args=“serve restic --stdio --bwlimit 1800k --verbose” -r rclone:OneDrive:files/ResData/P1Back snapshots

no luck.

Does specifying the path to the rclone config file using the rclone option --config help?
What does rclone print when you add the option -vv (twice verbose)?

@darkmind ~ [1]> restic -o rclone.program="/bin/rclone" -o rclone.args="serve restic --stdio --bwlimit 1800k -vv --config=/home/dae/.config/rclone/rclone.conf" -r rclone:OneDrive:files/ResData/P1Back snapshots
rclone: 2021/07/30 23:33:02 DEBUG : rclone: Version "v1.50.2" starting with parameters ["/bin/rclone" "serve" "restic" "--stdio" "--bwlimit" "1800k" "-vv" "--config=/home/dae/.config/rclone/rclone.conf" "OneDrive:files/ResData/P1Back"]
rclone: 2021/07/30 23:33:02 DEBUG : Using config file from "/home/dae/.config/rclone/rclone.conf"
rclone: 2021/07/30 23:33:02 INFO  : Starting bandwidth limiter at 1.758MBytes/s
rclone: 2021/07/30 23:33:02 DEBUG : OneDrive: Loaded invalid token from config file - ignoring
rclone: 2021/07/30 23:33:02 DEBUG : OneDrive: Saved new token in config file
rclone: 2021/07/30 23:33:03 DEBUG : One drive root 'files/ResData/P1Back': GET /file-5xxxxxxxxx10
rclone: 2021/07/30 23:33:03 DEBUG : file-5xxxxxxxxx0: GET request error: object not found
rclone: 2021/07/30 23:33:03 DEBUG : One drive root 'files/ResData/P1Back': HEAD /config
rclone: 2021/07/30 23:33:04 DEBUG : config: HEAD request error: object not found
Fatal: unable to open config file: <config/> does not exist
Is there a repository at the following location?

does this debug output uncovers anything? I haven’t found a solution still.

I don’t see anything obvious in that debug log. Could you try to let restic create a new repository at lets say rclone:OneDrive:files/ResData/P1Back2 and then check whether that looks any different to the migrated backup?