Restic: Mount under Windows


How can i mount a restic-repo with windows? Maybe WSL ?

Thanks in advance.

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Get rustic-rs and use rustic webdav option and then you can mount webdav to drive letter.

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Unfortunately this is not what I am looking for, I can already integrate my backup system as webDav.

I am looking for a way to mount a Restic repo directly.

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It is possible to mount a restic repository inside WSL using restic mount (with WSL2 at least, I don’t remember if I’ve ever tried it with WSL1) and browse the repository etc.

I have not tried accessing a restic repository mounted in WSL from the “windows-side” of things though, so I’m not sure how the performance would be (or even how feasible that is).

If you do end up trying it, please report back and let us know how it goes :slight_smile: