Restic check with panic

do I have to panic too or is there hope?

List(index) returned error, retrying after 5.608623477s: lstat /…19cc773861a: bad message

panic: lstat //restic/index/0ea7360af726caabc683797c34d570dbe0dd7424fa33ed73b30bd19cc773861a: bad message

I do face some challengs with my raid but from theory that should not be the problem.

restic 0.9.4 (v0.9.4-31-g0022926e) compiled with go1.9.7 on linux/386

The path looks like a network share. This looks more like a network error than anything having to do with restic. Do you get any error if you try to manually copy that file somewhere local?

Which backend do you use? The error message (bad message) is either returned by the sftp library (in case of sftp) or the kernel (for other file systems)…

@cdhowie it looks like a networkshare because i removed some of the path. I will try to do a copy when the fsck is finished

@fd0 its a local filesystem. Since i see kernel errors on the console I assume I am in trouble.