Restic backup missing

Hello everyone.

We have a k8s environment and we are using Velero with Restic to backup our PV data.
I wanted to test how a recovery would work in the worst case scenario so in our environment I created a pod utilizing a PVC, which then using StorageClass creates a PV. The idea was to delete some of the stuff and run a ‘velero restore’

I included the namespace in the velero scheduler config and when I create a new backup, I can see that different types of objects from this test namespace are backed up (Service Accounts, pods, etc).

At the end of the ‘velero describe’ output, there is a ‘restic Backups’ section where it shows which PVC’s have been backed-up and the main ones are there, but the test one is missing.

I cannot find any configuration where I should include this part, so I’d be thankful for your thoughts. Thanks! :slight_smile:

I’m not sure this is really a restic question. I have been using restic for years and have no idea what you’re talking about! Please provide the restic command you’re executing, the result it produces and the result you’re hoping for.


Yup, I agree with @nicnab on that one. So many unknown things.

Have you tried to simplify your setup to find where the issue started to appear? If not that might be a good idea also.

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