Rest-server: TLS with Traefik (reverse proxy)

Traefik is a nice utility, with what you can very easily throw a domain, get & maintain certs from Let’s Encrypt and more.

When using rest-server via docker with traefik, I get http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client (also with --tls (without specifying a cert)).

Is there any way to get this working or is support from rest-server needed?

I haven’t tried this setup myself, but my thoughts are:

  • Naturally rest-server can only talk HTTP if you don’t give it a TLS cert to use, so that’s expected.

  • If you front it with Traefik, then Traefik should wrap that HTTP from rest-server in HTTPS, and if that’s not what you’re seeing, you probably have a misconfiguration in Traefik?

Take a look at the Caddy restic plugin. I think it does what you want because Caddy was made to provide HTTPS out of the box.


After looking at it again, it now magically works for no apparent reason. My brain melted due to the magic yesterday.