Hello. I would love to set up an REST Server on one of my Raspberry Pi’s running on DietPi operating system.
Only a pretty small configuration is required. The REST Server should handle daily restic backups of 1 or 2 applications (data) appr. 10 GB to a max of 20 GB in size.
Unfortunalety i just can’t figure out how to achieve such an installation without going the docker route. As a matter of fact i do not like/trust this docker thing bearing my limited docker knowledge in mind. Thx. for your advise in advance.
Thx. for your reply. Maybe i haven’t made it clear enough what my problem is. I do not have or where can i find a rest server binary … ? Or how to build my own on my target platform pi 3b+.
Here, for instance. Under “assets” you can find the binary for different platforms. Pi 3b+ should be arm64 but I’m not sure. Just copy the binary to /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin, make it executable (chmod a+x …) and test (rest-server --version). Then register it as a systemd service and setup rest server authentication. You’ll have to read some documentation for all this.
You might consider starting with ssh to make it simpler. restic works just fine on a LAN via ssh.