I am running:
rest-server version rest-server 0.13.0 compiled with go1.22.5 on linux/amd64
My CERT finds the fault the server is accepting TLS 1.0 and 1.1 and also the ciphers
which are not allowed any more at our site.
There’s no option exposed by the rest-server to influence the TLS ciphers.
What’s weird is that go1.22 should by default already disable TLS before 1.2:
But I just gave it a try using testssl.sh and apparently TLS 1.0 is still offered.
The 3DES ciphers should be disable with go 1.23 (see crypto/tls in the release notes ), but that yields the same unexpected behavior. Based on a quick glance at the rest-server code, I don’t see why that is happening.I guess I’ll need to have a closer look.
Ah, setting the environment variable GODEBUG=tls10server=0,tls3des=0 does the trick. tls3des only works when rest-server is compiled with go 1.23.
rest-server still has go 1.18 in its go.mod file. This lets the GODEBUG options match the behavior of that go version. That is, both TLS options are by default enabled.