Please help me with backup error

I am trying to backup my ripped music CDs under the ‘VOICE’ directory. The backup directory is a USB connected HDD. It started out ok for about 4%, and then this happened:

Please let me know what I can do to get to the bottom of this. It appears to be filename related but not sure.


It seems restic is having trouble reading the file. Are you sure the source media has no errors?

Pretty sure there are no errors. If I only backup the that particular file, it will go through that without issues. I wonder if it’s an I/O error…

Can you try a different target? I interpret that as an error writing to the repo, correct?

The problems is with writing the miscu_backup/data/5c/5cc4d9... file, not with reading the flac file. There’s probably some problem with the corresponding filesystem.

Thanks. It was a writing problem. I reformated the hard drive and I can now write successfully.


Yes you find out the accurate solution of this backup error.