Password verification fails when use s3 as backend

I’m using restic 0.17.3 compiled with go1.23.3 on linux/amd64. I’m trying to initialize a new repo using s3 as backend.

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=********
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=********
restic -r s3:http://xxx/xxx init
restic -r s3:http://xxx/xxx --verbose backup myfolder

When I entered the password as required by the backup command, the following error occurred:

open repository
enter password for repository: 
LoadRaw(<key/d9ffacfbda>): invalid data returned. Try again

I checked the file “s3://xxx/key/d9ffacfbda********”. I found that it contains extra content signatures on the first and the last line.

Is this related to the error I encountered? When I use a local repo, the key file does not have these two lines.

Apparently the S3 storage you use does not handle chunked uploads correctly. From looking through the minio S3 library code, this mode is only used when upload do not use HTTPS.

Thanks for your help! I’ll look into this lead.