Openstack Swift backup with restic


is it possible to backup openstack swift containers/objects/data with restic?
Like the source is openstack swift and target is openstack swift.
And restic is the inbetween server.

I would like to protect files against users and corruption etc… If file is accidentally changed or deleted, I can do rollback on swift object store

Thank you very much.

Not really, no. You can’t use the backends in restic or rclone as the source of what you’re backing up. Restic needs to be able to read it as a general filesystem, so you’d have to somehow mount the Swift storage so it’s represented as files. There might be FUSE filesystems or similar to do that though, I guess?

thank you.

…reading about rclone. I think it has possibility to sync files and directories to and from openstack swift.
“Syncing between cloud providers is also possible”


Absolutely, you can definitely use rclone for that, it’s the perfect tool for it. It will not be the same thing as using restic though because it’s not a backup tool but a sync tool. But if that floats your boat… :wink:

have you tried awscli?
can this work for openstack swift to backup one container to another container…


I haven’t. I tried to use a Swift storage some years ago but it was too buggy with the provider I used, so there was no way I could do that. I ended up using SFTP and later moving to REST-server for my restic backup needs.

Maybe you can just try it and see if it works?


do you use RESTserver for openstack swift backups?


No, I send my backups to a REST-server, it has nothing to do with Swift.

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ok. thank you very much.
