New logo for restic

The awesome Ashley McNamara created a new logo for restic:


It’s a Go Gopher with two umbrellas, as a metaphor for restic saving you on a rainy day :slight_smile:

What do you think?


I think it’s a lovely picture, but maybe a bit too much detail for a logo? Maybe it could be Restic’s mascotte rather than logo?

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I too think it’s a lovely picture, but not suitable as a logo. Even if the figure is extracted it will probably be too detailed to be useful for many situations where the logo would be needed. But it’s what we have so let’s make the best of it!

I love it. I can understand the comments about it being too detailed for a logo, but I can also appreciate that it depends what kind of branding you need. If you’re never going to need a single, simple icon to represent the product or a monochromatic sign board on the side of a building, then this is fine: I don’t see why it wouldn’t work well in web or in print. And if you do need something “simpler” then maybe just the plain wordmark “restic” would do fine.

Anyway, I really like the picture. (I’m a rain kind of guy.)

Is there restic swag?

I’ve made a bunch of stickers and brought them to FOSDEM, but that’s about it. No swag, sorry.

Hi, I’m looking for Restic logo in svg format. Could you please tell me where to find it? Thank you!