Mkdir permission denied


I just tried to test my restic backup, when restoring I am getting scrolling errors saying mkdir /directory name: permission denied.

My initial response was to assume that the users or groups were wrong, so I chowned the whole folder to $USER:$USER and checked with ls-l, the folder is definitely owned by my user and set to the same group, so why am I getting permission denied when restoring my restic backup, please.

Please provide the complete command you run to restore, and preferrably also the output of it so we can see it as-is. If there’s any sensitive folder or file names in it you can just obfuscate those parts.

Also please include the command and output of when you check the permissions on the target directory you are restoring to, that would be helpful.

Starting with checking folder permissions.
sara@MachineNameReplaced:/mnt$ ls -l
total 8
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4096 May 12 09:06 Backup
drwxr-xr-x 5 sara sara 4096 May 12 10:52 GoogleDriveSync

Restic Restore Command
restic -r /mnt/Backup/FireAndIceGridBackup#/RobustAssets restore latest --target /mnt/GoogleDriveSyc/Robust

Followed by asking for the password, me entering it and confirmation that the password is correct. Then scrolling lines similar to the the sample below.

ignoring error for /Robust/bin/fsassets/data/00/A6/3E: mkdir /mnt/GoogleDriveSyc: permission denied
ignoring error for /Robust/bin/fsassets/data/00/A6/3E/013F: mkdir /mnt/GoogleDriveSyc: permission denied
ignoring error for /Robust/bin/fsassets/data/00/A6/3E/013F/00A63E013FF578EB7895A62AF450A728FB0DB010EAAD08DA147EDDF5D163EF83.gz: mkdir /mnt/Goo
gleDriveSyc: permission denied
ignoring error for /Robust/bin/fsassets/data/00/A6/45: mkdir /mnt/GoogleDriveSyc: permission denied
ignoring error for /Robust/bin/fsassets/data/00/A6/45/AC1C: mkdir /mnt/GoogleDriveSyc: permission denied
ignoring error for /Robust/bin/fsassets/data/00/A6/45/AC1C/00A645AC1CD237C81EA4FDA6D4D6E064F5027536D85191987F22BB53A2503E7D.gz: mkdir /mnt/Goo
gleDriveSyc: permission denied

It it just typo (GoogleDriveSyc vs GoogleDriveSync)?

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shakes my head laughing at myself, after starting with the folder being on the wrong user, and then having to fix the folder permissions, I totally missed that i also made a typo.

Feel silly now, but ty :slight_smile:

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