Hi, thanks for developing restic, is my main backup tool!
I made a script to automate the backup of my docker folder from my NAS to my local workstation on a spare disk.
The biggest folder on my NAS is the immich library that it takes around ~260gb of pictures.
The first time I run restic it takes a lot of time to create the backup and this is expected.
But even if I do not change to much files, the next backup is taking the same time. I’m wondering if there is a way to backup only the new files.
Here some details:
➜ ~ restic version
restic 0.17.1 compiled with go1.23.1 on linux/amd64
In my script, I mount the remote snapshot on a local mount point using this command:
sshfs user@ /mnt/sshfs/nas/docker
This is an excerpt of my script with restic details:
# Restic configuration
keep_options="--keep-daily 6 --keep-weekly 3 --keep-monthly 1"
The restic commands I run in the script:
restic -p $restic_passwd -r $restic_local_repo unlock
restic -p $restic_passwd -r $restic_local_repo backup --exclude-file $exclude $snapshot_local_mnt || echo "Restic backup failed"
restic -p $restic_passwd -r $restic_local_repo forget $keep_options --prune --cleanup-cache
umount $snapshot_local_mnt
Some details:
- the synology nas is configured using BTRFS and takes daily snapshots of the docker folder;
- I do the backup of the snapshot to be sure it is not going to change during the backup itself; I think it’s a best practice but happy to be contradicted.
These is and excerpt of the restic output:
Snapshot is mounted and restic folder exists...
restic: backup of /mnt/sshfs/nas/docker on local repo /volumes/restic/nas-docker
repository 2da9119a opened (version 2, compression level auto)
repository 2da9119a opened (version 2, compression level auto)
using parent snapshot e977cda4
[0:00] 100.00% 11 / 11 index files loaded
[23:23] 8994 files 52.624 GiB, total 48122 files 207.859 GiB, 0 errors
I would like to see if there is anything I can do to speed up the next backups.