List exclusions

Is there a quick way to only list all files which would be excluded (if I use a filter expression)?

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Not directly. One way you can achieve this is by using the -vv argument when doing a backup.
I also recommend adding --dry-run to not create a snapshot but just show what it would exclude.

This would look like this. Note that I didn’t add any exclude arguments for this example.

❯ restic backup --compression=max --no-cache ~/Pictures -r repo --dry-run -vv
open repository
repository f83a2150 opened (version 2, compression level max)
lock repository
no parent snapshot found, will read all files
load index files
[0:00]          0 index files loaded
start scan on [/home/moritz/Pictures]
start backup on [/home/moritz/Pictures]
scan finished in 0.001s: 3 files, 1.211 MiB
new       /home/moritz/Pictures/FHY-RFiXsAwSS9F.jpeg, saved in 0.072s (445.418 KiB added)
new       /home/moritz/Pictures/FHY-RE9XMAQJplO.jpeg, saved in 0.075s (347.052 KiB added)
new       /home/moritz/Pictures/FHY-RFiXwBQH1f6.jpeg, saved in 0.084s (447.355 KiB added)
new       /home/moritz/Pictures/, saved in 0.088s (0 B added, 0 B stored, 492 B metadata)
new       /home/moritz/, saved in 0.089s (0 B added, 0 B stored, 297 B metadata)
new       /home/, saved in 0.091s (0 B added, 0 B stored, 291 B metadata)

Files:           3 new,     0 changed,     0 unmodified
Dirs:            3 new,     0 changed,     0 unmodified
Data Blobs:      3 new
Tree Blobs:      4 new
Would add to the repository: 1.213 MiB (1.212 MiB stored)

processed 3 files, 1.211 MiB in 0:00

alternatively you can use the JSON output in combination with jq to filter for this output in case the list is rather long.

This would look like this:

❯ restic backup --compression=max --no-cache -r repo --json -vv --dry-run ~/Pictures

This way you can compare the list of all files which actually exist (use any other tool to generate the list of all files) and the list created by restic.

I can’t think of another example but surely the rest of the community will jump in :slight_smile:

Thanks. That’s what was my solution. Just thought that there might be an easier way.

…and there might be :point_up: but I couldn’t think of another as you