Extended options

Hi, is there any documentation about the extended options?
What keys and values can I set with -o? I can’t find any documentation… with some google-fu I found the following keys:


are there more?

Yes, there are:

$ restic options
All Extended Options:
  azure.connections   set a limit for the number of concurrent connections (default: 20)
  b2.connections    set a limit for the number of concurrent connections (default: 5)
  gs.connections    set a limit for the number of concurrent connections (default: 20)
  local.layout      use this backend directory layout (default: auto-detect)
  rclone.args       arguments for running rclone (default: serve restic --stdio --b2-hard-delete --drive-use-trash=false)
  rclone.connections   set a limit for the number of concurrent connections (default: 5)
  rclone.program    path to rclone (default: rclone)
  rest.connections   set a limit for the number of concurrent connections (default: 5)
  s3.connections    set a limit for the number of concurrent connections (default: 5)
  s3.layout         use this backend layout (default: auto-detect)
  s3.retries        set the number of retries attempted
  sftp.command      specify command to create sftp connection
  sftp.layout       use this backend directory layout (default: auto-detect)
  swift.connections   set a limit for the number of concurrent connections (default: 5)

restic options is a hidden command and thus not listed in the restic help output (please don’t ask me why)

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