Error "snapshot does not exist" even though it exists


In an effort to streamline my backup procedures, I decided to start using restic-server together with Ansible playbooks.

I just installed a rest-server Docker component which is running with --no-auth and whose data directory is a NFS volume automatically mounted by its docker-compose file.

All seems ok but when I try to run a simple restic snapshots, I get this error:

$ restic snapshots -r rest:http://myresticserver.local/myrepository
enter password for repository: 
repository 8a73950d opened successfully, password is correct
Load(<snapshot/014d04e6b0>, 0, 0) returned error, retrying after 582.280027ms: <snapshot/014d04e6b0> does not exist
Load(<snapshot/014d04e6b0>, 0, 0) returned error, retrying after 890.117305ms: <snapshot/014d04e6b0> does not exist
Load(<snapshot/014d04e6b0>, 0, 0) returned error, retrying after 671.590708ms: <snapshot/014d04e6b0> does not exist
Load(<snapshot/014d04e6b0>, 0, 0) returned error, retrying after 2.216767434s: <snapshot/014d04e6b0> does not exist
  signal interrupt received, cleaning up
could not load snapshot 014d04e6: client.Do: context canceled
could not load snapshots: context canceled

(The signal interrupt happens when cancel it. Otherwise it would try forever.)

The repository is not damaged because if I access it via sftp everything works:

$ restic snapshots -r sftp:salvador@myresticserver:/restic/
enter password for repository: 
repository 8a73950d opened successfully, password is correct
ID        Time                 Host        Tags        Paths
014d04e6  2020-10-26 03:01:12  awx                     /tmp/awx-config-dump.json

Any ideas on why this may be happening?

Thanks in advance,

I’m sorry, the error handling for the rest-server isn’t the best one :slightly_frowning_face:, I suspect a permission problem. Can you confirm the rest-server is able to read the files below snapshots/?

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That was it. Thanks!

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