Commercial offerings around restic


I thought it’d be nice to have a list of commercial offerings around restic. As far as I know the following offers exist:

There are several projects using restic as the backend:

Anything else I missed? I’ll update this post when we discover more offers.


Hello @fd0,

We would like to see if it’s possible to add OpenNebula to the list of commercial supporters.
We are deploying it with our Enterprise edition (as documented here: Backup Datastore: Restic (EE) — OpenNebula 6.6.2 documentation)

Can you please help me out to whom I should talk to for this?


Hello all,

OpenNebula Enterprise Edition supports Restic as backend for its Virtual Machine (VM) backup system. The current implementation of the Restic driver uses the SFTP storage type and allows tuning of several parameters to perform backups.

Thanks to this integration OpenNebula can perform full and incremental VM backups leveraging all the features offered by Restic like compression, data encryption and deduplication. This integration runs directly through Sunstone, our GUI to manage the administration of your cloud.

You can find more information about the Restic and OpenNebula integration in the official Documentation site.

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I’ve added it to the list.