Change root of the snapshot path

To facilitate remote-initiated backups of servers, files are first rsync’d to a directory on which Restic runs. Then, Restic makes a backup of that directory. Please see the following example:

/home/backups$ mkdir files
/home/backups$ rsync user@target_server:/tmp/file_to_back_up.txt files/
/home/backups$ restic -q -r /tmp/backups_destination backup files/
/home/backups$ restic -r /tmp/backups_destination snapshots
ID        Time                 Host        Tags        Paths
a004c953  2022-04-05 20:50:06  backup                  /home/backups/files/backups_destination
3ca0164e  2022-04-05 20:56:42  backup                  /home/backups/files/backups_destination

Instead, I would like the output of the previous command to be:

ID        Time                 Host        Tags        Paths
a004c953  2022-04-05 20:50:06  backup                  /file_to_back_up.txt
3ca0164e  2022-04-05 20:56:42  backup                  /file_to_back_up.txt

This way, I can preserve the path to the file on the remote system and not worry about the garbage (/home/backups/files/). Is this possible?

Pull request #3200 is a proposed solution for this use case.