Can't display (cat) a lock

Hi :wave:

Not sure if I am missing something, but I realized I cannot cat a locks anymore. cat’ing snapshots etc. still working but not for the locks:

~> sudo -E restic --no-lock list locks
repository 9052fe87 opened (version 2, compression level auto)
found 1 old cache directories in /data/backup/persistent_backups/restic_caches/admin-graphite, run `restic cache --cleanup` to remove them

~> sudo -E restic --no-lock cat lock aa5073a8d5c4941e5e80a7667e98baf6ceb7d515a3a73c69a61f38e1f541e675
repository 9052fe87 opened (version 2, compression level auto)
found 1 old cache directories in /data/backup/persistent_backups/restic_caches/admin-graphite, run `restic cache --cleanup` to remove them
The specified key does not exist.


Wanted to ask here first before opening an issue, since I am doing something wrong probably :thinking:

~> restic version
restic 0.16.4 (v0.16.4-394-g55d56db31) compiled with go1.22.0 on linux/amd64

I just did a quick test using the latest master version of restic and displaying the lock file worked as expected. (The --no-lock flags is redundant for list locks) Are you sure the lock still existed when calling cat? If yes, then please create a debug log and also try to manually download the lock from the backend. Does the content’s sha256 hash match the file name?

Oh nevermind, another intermal-minio problem apparently. I can see the objects on there with “xl.meta.bkp” files instead of usual “xl.meta” filenames they use. So listing shows it but it is not actually backed via real data :man_facepalming: Sorry for the noise. Adding the list and cat’s debug info in any case, if you’d like to catch storage nonsense from restic side: