Can restic backup macOS Photos library from launchd?

No worries :slight_smile: I was just making sure you don’t spend more time on troubleshooting when we have threads that solve those issues.

The paths in my backup all start with /tmp/restic/backup where I have mounted the APFS snapshot which begins at / so all folders are accessible for me at the path /tmp/restic/backup as this is my “new” /.

My backup command that I use in my launchd entry looks like this:

restic backup \
  --compression max \
  --cleanup-cache \
  --exclude-caches \
  --no-scan \
  --quiet \
  --host Moes-MacBook-Air \
  "${backupdir}/Users/moritzdietz" \
  --files-from="${tempdir}/moritz-include.restic" \
  --exclude-file="${tempdir}/sys-exclude.restic" \
  --exclude-file="${tempdir}/moritz-exclude.restic" \
  --option s3.connections=10 \
  --read-concurrency 25

I highly recommend setting the host of the backup manually – too often I ended up with different hosts in the repo which makes it really difficult when it comes to cleaning up snapshots etc.

To your question I do backup my user home + additional files but also exclude files.
I usually never restore in place so I never ran into an issue with this.
If I wanted to have my backup look like I made it from /Users/moritzdietz/ instead there are several hoops to jump through which I don’t care about so I don’t do that.

But as mentioned in the other threads (both mine and the roadmap for the upcoming releases + the linked GH issues) this should mostly work.

Let us know if get it working in the end or need more help.