Can not create Swift repo with keynote V3 auth

I tried to create repo in Swift with keynote V3 auth.

RESTIC_REPOSITORY: “your-repository”
RESTIC_PASSWORD: “restic1234”
OS_AUTH_URL: “https://auth_url:5000/v3”
OS_PROJECT_NAME: “project_name”
OS_USERNAME: “user_name”
OS_PASSWORD: “user_pwd”
OS_REGION_NAME: “regionOne”

I used volsync restic based to create volsync backup. But it failed in create the repo with error:
Starting container
VolSync restic container version: v0.9.1+bdb2db3
Using custom CA.
restic 0.16.4 compiled with go1.21.9 on linux/amd64
Testing mandatory env variables
== Checking directory for content ===
=== Check for dir initialized ===
Fatal: unable to open repository at swift:pvc-backup:/test-pvc: conn.Container: Response didn’t have storage url and auth token
ERROR: failure checking existence of repository

But I tried to create Swift repo with restic cli (version 0.16.2 & 0.16.5), it succeed .

Any suggestion or comments?
