Adjust SystemCallFilter= in rest-server.service (add `~@resources` and `~@privileged`)

systemd-analyze security rest-server.service

complains about that




are missing from examples/systemd/rest-server.service

[root@localhost ~]# systemd-analyze security rest-server.service | head -6
  NAME                                                        DESCRIPTION                                                                                         EXPOSURE
✓ SystemCallFilter=~@swap                                     System call allow list defined for service, and @swap is not included                               
✗ SystemCallFilter=~@resources                                System call allow list defined for service, and @resources is included (e.g. ioprio_set is allowed)      0.2
✓ SystemCallFilter=~@reboot                                   System call allow list defined for service, and @reboot is not included                             
✓ SystemCallFilter=~@raw-io                                   System call allow list defined for service, and @raw-io is not included                             
✗ SystemCallFilter=~@privileged                               System call allow list defined for service, and @privileged is included (e.g. fchown is allowed)         0.2
[root@localhost ~]# 

I tested the following patch

--- a/examples/systemd/rest-server.service
+++ b/examples/systemd/rest-server.service
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ RestrictRealtime=true
 # if your service crashes with "code=killed, status=31/SYS", you probably tried to run linux_i386 (32bit) binary on a amd64 host
 # Additionally, you may wish to use some of the systemd options documented in
 # systemd.resource-control(5) to limit the CPU, memory, file-system I/O and

in the same was as the test was performed in

It seems to work.

Could you move the suggestion over to Github? It’s too easy to loose track of such suggestions on the forum.

systemd-analyze security rest-server.service
lists the following items as having a non-null exposure:

exposure name description
0.5 PrivateNetwork= Service has access to the host’s network
0.3 RestrictAddressFamilies=~AF_(INET|INET6) Service may allocate Internet sockets
0.2 IPAddressDeny= Service does not define an IP address allow list
0.2 SystemCallFilter=~@privileged System call allow list defined for service, and @privileged is included (e.g. fchown is allowed)
0.2 SystemCallFilter=~@resources System call allow list defined for service, and @resources is included (e.g. ioprio_set is allowed)
0.1 UMask= Files created by service are group-readable by default
0.1 DeviceAllow= Service has a device ACL with some special devices: char-rtc:r
0.1 ProcSubset= Service has full access to non-process /proc files (/proc subset=)
0.1 RootDirectory=/RootImage= Service runs within the host’s root directory

What do you think about the idea that I for each line create a feature request in the GitHub repo restic/rest-server

with for example the text

systemd-analyze security rest-server.service



as not being set as an exposure of 0.2.
Follow the suggestion or document why the suggestion should not be followed.


A sidenote: The Markdown table was generated with the following commands:

echo  "| exposure | name | description |"
echo  "| --- | ---- | --- |"
systemd-analyze security --json=short rest-server.service | \
   jq  '[ .[] | .name |= gsub("\\|";"\\|";"i") ]' | \
   jq  '[ .[] | .description |= gsub("\\|";"\\|";"i") ]' | \
   jq -r '[ .[] | select(.exposure != null ) | . ] |  sort_by(.exposure) | reverse | .[] | "| \(.exposure) | \(.name) |  \(.description) |"'

Please don’t. Just create a single pull request. I’m also not sure which options actually make sense for rest-server, it’s not necessary to actually enable each option in existence. For example RootDirectory would primarily complicate the deployment.

Okay, I just created created the PR