About the Getting Help category

Post questions or observations, ask for help and help others.

When asking a question:

  • Explain what you’re trying to do
  • State the problem and report exact error messages or program behavior
  • Explain what you’ve already tried
  • Ask your question

Pro Tip: If somebody has answered your question sufficiently, please mark the reply as the accepted answer so others can find it easily.

Another Pro Tip: Use proper formatting, especially with code or console output. 3 backticks (```) for a block, 1 for inline code. American keyboards have this up by the tilde (~) key.

As always, be kind and respect other people’s time and efforts.

New posts can also be created via email to help@forum.restic.net.

(Inspired by https://forum.golangbridge.org/t/about-the-getting-help-category/25)