Multiple repositories with a single Caddy (restic plugin) instance

I’ve been able to setup restic and Caddy (with restic plugin) with no problems. However I’ve decided to split up repositories. However I’ve tried a few things and I can’t seem to figure out to make Caddy support multiple repositories. I tried things like “restic {virt_path virt_path2 etc}” and none of it seems to work. I also don’t see any documentation on how to do this even if it does work. Then I decided to try and just run multiple instances of Caddy on different ports to circumvent the problem, but since I’m using Let’s encrypt it forces you to use port 80 so you can only have once instance of Caddy running even though I use Let’s Encrypt dns auth, not http. There has to be a way to do this, but I haven’t found it.

Also, fd0 told me to mention you @matt in IRC.

You can define multiple sites (and thus repos) in your Caddyfile: {
    basicauth ...
    restic ...
} {
    basicauth ...
    restic ...

I haven’t done this myself, but this should make it pretty trivial to set up multiple repos on the same instance.

Just remember when giving restic the repo path, that you include the /repo1 (or whatever) part in the path.

I’ve given each repository their own site, however it seems like the last site, the restic config inside that overwrites ALL other restic configs even though they’re technically isolated in different sites.

Also, here’s an example of the config {

	tls {
        	dns cloudflare

	basicauth user pass {

	restic / /home/backups/repo1

} {

	tls {
        	dns cloudflare

	basicauth user pass {

	restic / /home/backups/repo2

} {

	tls {
        	dns cloudflare

	basicauth user pass {

	restic / /home/backups/repo3


Hmm, that’s not supposed to happen. Would you mind opening an issue? I can’t see off-hand why that would be the case.