Is a Jottacloud repo reliable? Seeking user input

This is clever tip! Ta

Re storage have a look at iDrive E2 S3. I am testing it now - so far so good. Realistically priced S3 storage.

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The problem is not the number of retries, but rather that a successful download of a pack file part yields corrupt data. That requires retries on a different level than are implemented so far.

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Ah, yes, good point! Something like --retries and --low-level-retries perhaps. Not sure about the naming convention, but being able to tune both would be nice for power users. Or… desperate users lol

Oh I thought it’s a bitrot detector - at least that is what it’s usually doing for me :joy: Kidding aside you’re most likely right. And I’ve got to say that I have yet to hit a single real problem with restic. I only use SFTP and REST though and that is rock solid, no questions asked.

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I’m not a fan of having dozens of mysterious options whose effects are entirely obscure to the general user. From the discussions in the thread, it looks like a retry if the blob is corrupted should be enough. So far I don’t see any compelling need to add new options.

Btw, I’ve opened Retry blob loading if backend returns corrupted data · Issue #4440 · restic/restic · GitHub


Do you have a script for your compare file test?
Do you use the check data argument to check say 1GB or do you check specific files.

I just select one random file from source, restore that one to a temp location and compare it with the source. Nothing special really.

To get back on the original topic if Jottacloud is reliable. Like I wrote, I occasionally had errors with Jottacloud. Every since my storage was more then 5TB I had errors every day.

I have added the option --bwlimit 1M:1M to rclone and ever since I have had no errors (knock on wood).

To conclude this thread for me, I switched to iDrive e2 instead. I didn’t like how I had to let Jottacloud “settle” for several weeks before I could reliably restore data from a large backup. iDrive e2 has been rock solid, and is a bit cheaper than B2 right now.

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