I don't understand --path

Hello all,
I did a backup of a directory tree with several files named config.xml , but I want to see only these :


root@file-server:~# restic find config.xml
repository 789c37e9 opened successfully, password is correct
Found matching entries in snapshot 9f06a9c8 from 2022-11-01 23:19:17

Found matching entries in snapshot 6b5e5264 from 2022-11-10 14:20:00

Found matching entries in snapshot f408a4e7 from 2022-11-12 02:19:33
/mnt/technical/.syncthing/config.xml  <<<<<<- I am only interested in these #

I tried

root@file-server:~# restic find config.xml --path=/mnt/technical/.syncthing/config.xml
repository 789c37e9 opened successfully, password is correct

but got no results.
What Am I doing wrong here ?

Thanks a lot


--path only filters the snapshots to search in. In your case only the snapshots which are made from the path /mnt/technical/.syncthing/config.xml are searched. I assume you don’t have any snapshots of exactly that path, so no snapshots are searched for config.xml.

Alex summed up the why, but the “what to do instead” would be:

restic find '/mnt/technical/.syncthing/config.xml'

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