Creating effective append only backup

Hi, I am trying to design an effective backup for my personal data. I’ve looked at a few tools like perkeep and duplicity, and restic I like restic because it seems straightforward to use and also has powerful features like tags and FUSE support.

I don’t like the “foot-guns” that are provided by “forget” and “prune”, so my first question is: does running the rest server in “append only” mode disable these features of the client?

this is the setup I’m thinking about creating:

  • run restic server “append only” mode on a zfs NAS (freenas probably, or just ubuntu with zfs) on my local network.
  • copy backup to s3
  • move older snapshots to glacier

more questions:
duplicity has the concept of doing a full backup after some period of time, to protect against potential bugs in the “backup chain”, the idea being if there is some flaw in the incremental backups you would lose everything after that point in the incremental snapshots. Does restic support this, or is this even necessary? i.e. is restic designed in a way that this is unnecessary.

should I use rclone to sync the backup files to s3Z or, somehow copy snapshots of the zfs file system to s3. or, use restic to back itself up to s3 somehow. not sure what the best approach here is. my goal here is to have local and remote backup, and also be reasonably protected against ransomware.

for moving files to glacier, not sure if it is possible to identify “old snapshots” in the way restic stores its incremental backups on disk, so not sure if this would be possible.

Reason I want to run the rest server locally is because the cost of block storage (EBS) is, in my opinion, prohibitively expensive

Yes, if the client is run against that server and not directly against the data directory.

Restic does not currently support this as a proper feature. If you delete all of the index files on the server, the client will no longer know about any existing blobs and will not deduplicate anything. However, the missing index files will prevent older backups from being restored, and any future prune will remove the duplicate blobs anyway. Note that the indexes can always be regenerated with restic rebuild-index.

If you are never going to forget any snapshots, you can rclone with copy --immutable which will refuse to delete files on the destination as well as refuse to update any existing files on the destination.

Note that any potential attacker could compromise your S3 credentials, so you would also need bucket versioning along with credentials that do not allow deleting past versions of a file.

There are many pitfalls with using the cold storage S3 tiers:

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Thanks, that helped a lot!

S3 Glacier / Glacier Deep Archive storage tiers could work well if you’re using your NAS as the backup target and are simply mirroring files to S3 as an immutable copy. If you need to restore from S3 you’ll have to do a restore request for the whole bucket and restore from that. Enabling S3 versioning and multifactor delete is probably a good move.

That’s been my experience (I backup to a local server and rsync nightly to S3). I ended up testing out intelligent tiering of that mirrored repo in S3 and it’s worked for me.

I’m thinking about changing my strategy though. Rather than mirroring, I’d like to have two repos (local network and cloud). With Microsoft recently improving some Azure Storage features, I may switch over to that instead of S3.